Learning for Life Booklet
Learning For Life
2022 -2023
“Working together to do our best”
Department Aims:
- To Develop Confidence and Independence.
- To encourage good social interaction, caring relationships and positive behaviour.
- Develop knowledge and skills in all subject areas.
- Problem Solving and Creativity through practical activities and play.

Learning Breadth:
- Maths
- English
- Science
- P.E
- The Arts
- Protective Behaviours
- Topic (History/Geography/R.E)
Curriculum Overview
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
English | Reading Phonics Stories & Reports Linked to Topic | Reading Phonics Stories & Reports Linked to Topic | Reading Phonics Stories & Reports Linked to Topic | Reading Phonics Stories & Reports Linked to Topic | Reading Phonics Stories & Reports Linked to Topic | Reading Phonics Stories & Reports Linked to Topic |
Maths | Numbers Counting, ordering, comparing | Addition & Subtraction Shape | Addition & Subtraction Multiplying& Division | Measuring money | Addition & Subtraction Multiplying& Division | Time & Measure |
ICT | 2 type word processing E safety Purple Mash activities related to topic | Painting 2 paint E safety Purple Mash activities related to topic | Programming Beebots E safety Purple Mash activities related to topic | Programing 2 code E safety Purple Mash activities related to topic | Computer skills E safety Purple Mash activities related to topic | Computer skills Using iPad to take photos. E safety |
Science | Animals | Materials & their properties | Human Body & senses | Plants Growing & caring | Seaside animals | Materials Waterproof materials/floating & Sinking |
Topic | Amazing Creatures Naming animals around the world. Habits Caring for animals | Celebrations from different cultures | Imagine Amazing inventions and people | Places- The UK Where do we live? Countryside/cities | At the Seaside What is the seaside like today and in the past | Travel & Journeys Transport types, Journey we make Famous Journeys |
PSHE | Protective Behaviours Naming Emotions | Protective Behaviours Taking Care of Ourselves | Similarities & Differences in people | Protective Behaviours Healthy Eating | Protective Behaviours Keeping Safe/Trust | Protective Behaviours Growing up relationships |
P.E | Attack & Defence | Ball Skills | Dance | Gymnastics | Team Building | Health & Well Being |
Adapted National Curriculum
Within Learning for Life our curriculum follows the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum objectives set within a topic area each half term. This takes into account EHCP provision and is flexible to the needs of the pupils.
Learning through play:
All students will have the opportunity to learn through focused play activities with equipment such as Lego, Duplo, Mobilo, Jigsaws and Turn Taking Board Games. There will also be opportunities for imaginative play with small world figures, animals, castles, farms and houses. Such activities help children develop thinking skills, independence, perseverance, cooperation and collaboration.
Forest School:
Welcombe Hills Forest School is small wooded and tree lined area, dedicated to learning outdoors, following the forest school ethos
We aim to offer our pupils the opportunity to experience working in a pupil lead naturalistic environment, during weekly sessions throughout all seasons.
The sessions are planned to follow the school’s approach, considering all pupils well-being and happiness; through promoting a balance of pupil lead opportunities; supported by a safe managed natural environment. Alongside this the forest school sessions aim to provide differentiated learning opportunities led by the Forest School Lead Teacher and Class Teams.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
In Learning for Life we aim to develop children’s awareness of themselves and show respect for others and the world around them. We aim to develop their imagination and enjoyment in learning about themselves, other people and the world through play and practical activities. Our aim is to foster positive social interaction helping develop good relationships with appropriate behaviour and the ability to recognise right and wrong actions. Throughout the school day children are encouraged to be as independent as possible and to be kind and help others, developing responsibility for themselves and a commitment to others. Children are introduced to different cultures and beliefs through special celebrations and festivals in assemblies and class activities such as art, cooking and stories. Opportunities are given for children to reflect on these experiences and to celebrate similarities and differences with others in our school and the wider community.
Create for Life
- Creative Arts enable our unique pupils to shine, where they are not being judged for their academic skills but where everyone has the ability to make a valuable contribution.
- It provides a practical approach to learning and many pupils learn best when they are active participants and developing our students’ confidence and self-esteem.
- We will provide a broad and enriching curriculum that is appropriate to pupils’ age, level of understanding and needs. The process of becoming creative is often more important than the finished piece.
- We offer exciting opportunities and experiences for our students to work with a variety of Artists during their time at school.
- We aim to create an understanding and appreciation of the Arts that will last a life time.
Curriculum Overview for Semi-Formal Pupils
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Art | Drawing focus | Drawing focus | Painting focus | Painting focus | Sculpture focus | Sculpture focus |
Music | British folk music and stories | British folk music and stories | Water music Improvise / compose | Water music Improvise / compose | Junk music Sound and rhythm focus | Junk music Sound and rhythm focus |
Drama | Exploring props and costumes | Exploring props and costumes | Simple role play | Simple role play | Performing | Performing |
Curriculum Overview for Formal Pupils
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Art | Drawing focus | Drawing focus | Painting focus | Painting focus | Sculpture focus | Sculpture focus |
Music | British folk music and stories | British folk music and stories | Water music Improvise / compose | Water music Improvise / compose | Junk music Sound and rhythm focus | Junk music Sound and rhythm focus |
Drama | Explorative role play | Explorative role play | Performing | Performing | Characterisation |
Interventions and Therapies
At Welcombe Hills we believe in a holistic and pupil centred approach to learning and offer a range of therapies and interventions. Interventions and therapies are allocated through a referral process. When a referral is made these are analysed and then an intervention is decided. Unfortunately, not all students will necessarily access a therapy or intervention.
Therapies we currently offer are;
- Play Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Sensory Occupational Therapy
- Drumming Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Lifespace

Careers Curriculum
At Welcombe Hills a key focus of our curriculum offer
is to prepare students for their next steps in life.
The Day to Day
The school day starts: 8.55am
Lunch time: 12pm-1pm
The school day ends: 3.20pm
Lunch arrangements:
School dinners cost: £2.85 per day
Own lunch option: Packed Lunch Box
What to Wear
School Uniform:
- Jade Green sweater or cardigan with (or without) school logo
- Grey or black trousers or skirt (grey/navy blue/ black joggers for children who struggle with fasteners)
- White or navy blue shirt/blouse/polo shirt
- Blue and white checked summer dress
- Sensible black shoes
PE Kit:
- Black or navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms
- White or navy blue t shirt
- Plimsolls (for indoor use) or trainers
- Spare pair of socks
Swimming / Hydrotherapy
- Swimming costume or trunks
- Towel
Forest school
- Waterproofs (waterproof overalls can be provided)
- Wellies or walking boots
- Warm clothes including thick socks, hat, gloves etc. for the colder months
- Sun hat for warmer months.