Friends of Welcombe Hills School (FOWHS)
Hello & Welcome from… FOWHS
The FOWHS team are: Sarah Briody & Dani Hunter.
We both have children in the school and understand how precious time is - but FOWHS needs your help and support!
What do FOWHS fund?
- We give every child a Christmas experience every year. This cost was £1800 last year.
- We have helped fund enhanced learning activities for a number of our children (i.e. Bamboozle)
- We have helped fund workshops for a number of families (i.e. sensory workshop)
How you can help FOWHS:
- Shopping on amazon using amazon smiles and selecting Friends of Welcombe Hills School.
- Joining the school lottery
- Attending our events whenever possible.
- Join the FOWHS volunteers team
- Help at events
- Share any ideas
- Do a sponsored event for us (i.e. sponsored run)
How to get in contact:
- Email:
- Our Facebook page Friends of Welcombe Hills
- Via the school office
- Via our website: