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Welcombe Hills School

"Working together to do our best"

Key Information


Our School Equality Objectives

  • We believe all learners are of equal value - to increase the progress of pupils on the pre-formal curriculum.
  • We will always recognise and respect difference - to increase staff's confidence in supporting students questioning their gender identity.
  • We seek to achieve equity for the whole school community - to improve the outdoor learning spaces at the Hub and the eco-garden to ensure suitability for a wider range of learners.
  • We aim to maintain positive attitudes and relationships with a shared sense of belonging - for each department in school to lead on a charity fundraising day.
  • We ensure good equality practice in staff recruitment, retention and development - to plan the staff CPD programme following a termly staff audit.


Our designated member of staff for equality is Jo Bradley - Deputy Head


As a special school we are very aware of the Equality Act (2010) and protective characteristics. We have due regard to equality whenever siginifcant decisions are made or policies are developed. Examples of Equality in action at Welcombe Hills school academic year 2021-2022 include:


  • Additional Intervention in place for pupils on the pre-formal curriculum (many of whom were previously shielding)
  • Children in Need fund raising - 19th November 2021
  • Jolly Jumper day to fund raise for the Children's Hospital - 10th December 2021
  • Employee Health, Wellbeing and Attendance Handbook Decemeber 2021
  • Gender diversity staff training 25th January 2022
  • Wear orange for Acorns Hospice - 18th February 2022
  • Shrek the musical that was performed 6th & &th April 2022
  • Our Polish celebration Day & fund raising for the Disasters Emergency Committee charity that was held 8th April 2022
  • Equality Impact assessment for the new Soft Play room
  • Anti-Bullying Policy




Welcombe Hills school is proud of the positive relationship it has with its families and other members of the community. Unfortunately, from time to time, disagreements or concerns can arise.


Problems are more easily resolved if they are raised as soon as possible after something has happened.


Whatever the issue, the important thing is to talk to someone at school as soon as you can. If you still have a query after discussing the issue with the relevant member of staff please discuss it with the Head Teacher or another member of the Leadership Team. If you would prefer you can put your query in writing. Please give us as much information as possible, as it will help us resolve the situation more quickly.


If you are still unhappy with the school's response, please see Unity MAT's Complaints Policy which can be found in the Policies section of our website.  


For the academic year 2021-2022 we received 3 complaints. We have been able to improve our systems as a result, so we thank those families for highlighting where improvements could be made.
